As the world went dark and confusion and misinformation poured from every source, Robin Schoenthaler took her medical degree and dived in to the data to make sense of it all. With her eye firmly on the facts and her honest open style, readers began flocking to her missives to read Robin’s take on the numbers, acceptable risks, vaccine safety and more.  

COVID Update – June 13th

June 13, 2020 Hi, I'm back as Robin-Schoenthaler-the-Boston-cancer-doctor-who-writes-about-Covid. (And it’s okay with me if you want to share.) I’m going to write about two things today: Health care reopenings and personal reopenings. Massachusetts’ Covid numbers...

COVID Update – June 6, 2020

Hi, I'm back as Robin-Schoenthaler-the-Boston-cancer-doctor-who-writes-about-Covid. (And it’s okay with me if you want to share.) Covid faded a little for me this week. I wondered if it’s even appropriate to be writing about Covid during a week like this one. But I...

COVID UPDATE – May 23, 2020

Hi, I'm back as Robin-the-Boston-cancer-doctor-who-writes-about Covid. (And it’s okay with me if you want to share this.) In Massachusetts, numbers are definitely better. As of Friday we “only” had another 630 deaths, down from last week’s 900.  And there’s 700 fewer...

COVID UPDATE – May 2, 2020

Hi my dearest dears I'm back as Robin-the-Boston-cancer-doctor-writing-about-Covid. {Incidentally: Thank you for reading such a long post! And yes you can absolutely share this with my name attached} Here are the mind-numbing COVID-19 numbers from Massachusetts: A...

COVID UPDATE – April 26, 2020

It’s April 25 and I'm back as Robin Schoenthaler-the-Boston-cancer-doctor-writing-about-Covid and we in Boston are in the surge. All the numbers are in the thousands now, making it harder to wrap our heads around them Thousands of new cases a day. A thousand people in...

COVID UPDATE – April 11, 2020

Hi, I'm here with my weekly FB missive as the Boston-cancer-doctor-who-writes-about-Covid. Feel free to share as you see fit. In Massachusetts we are in the surge, still pre-peak. 1560 deaths (an all-time high of 159 deaths reported on Friday; 13 in Arlington), three...

COVID UPDATE – April 3, 2020

Here is my COVID-19 Facebook Missive Number 7, written on 4/3/20, from me as your friend Robin Schoenthaler the cancer-doctor-writing-about-COVID-19 (and feel free to share wherever and however you like). So the surge has begun. Massachusetts has 10,400 people who...

COVID UPDATE – March 27, 2020

3240 cases today in MA, 823 more than yesterday. 35 deaths. The hospitals have been feverishly working to get ready -- turning many of us into telemedicine docs, converting endoscopy suites into ICUs, cancelling all elective or delay-able surgeries so that there are...

COVID UPDATE – March 14, 2020

We are in a very painful but maybe still can-I-please-have-a-tiny-bit-of-hope stage of this epidemic. Travel mattered before, but now it's irrelevant -- it doesn't matter where you've been -- it's in your neighborhood or next door (so stop, for heaven's sakes, saying...

COVID UPDATE – March 11, 2020

I am posting again as Robin Schoenthaler the "cancer doc who is posting about Covid." I don't have time for a long post today because events are gathering speed. I am posting not out of panic, but out of my perspective as a physician who has access to information "on...